Cottesbrooke Infant & Nursery School

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We are very pleased at Cottesbrooke because in the summer term 2017 we were awarded the Investors in Pupils Quality Mark. We were reaccredited again in November 2020.

Letter to Pupils

Letter to Head Teacher

First Assessment Report


What is Investors in Pupils

The Investors in Pupils programme is an established national quality mark to recognise, develop and extend pupil voice and participation in schools and educational settings, building young people’s life skills, character and resilience. Operating over 15 years, the programme now has over 500 accredited schools across fifty local authorities with a number of schools choosing to reaccredit on several occasions.

The award contributes to school improvement through a focus on pupil personal development, behaviour and welfare, PSHE, Citizenship education, financial planning, SMSC development and Children’s rights, providing direct and active experience of democracy in action in schools.

  • Over 90% of schools accrediting to Investors in Pupils report that it has had a direct impact on learning and classroom management
  • 100% of schools achieving reaccreditation attribute Investors in Pupils as having an impact in each of the five areas of the award; learning; behaviour; attendance; induction; school and classroom management
  • Schools said that assessments visits were valuable in helping their school move forward 


Please take time to look at all the work we having been doing towards this award at Cottesbrooke Infant & Nursery School.



Newsletter Jan 20

Newsletter Dec 19

Newsletter Autumn 19

Newsletter Spring 19



Newsletter 4 2018

Newsletter 3 2018

Newsletter 2 2018

Newsletter 1 2018



Newsletter 1

Newsletter 2

Newsletter 3

Special Edition - Takeover Day

Special Edition Lunchtime Supervisors





Children tell us how they feel about school

We want to listen to the pupils and understand how they feel about their days in school. 279 children took part in the Pupil Voice Survey across the school, including nursery.


279 children took part in the pupil voice survey. If they didn’t take part it was because they were away on the day.




Learning is exciting and fun.



We learn a lot in our school.



Our good teachers are good teachers.



I feel safe and happy in school.



We have chances to do jobs in our classrooms and around school.



 When a child said they did not feel safe and happy, their class teacher spoke to them about why and helped them to feel better in school.


Learning the cost of resources in school

All the Investors in Pupils class representative met with Mr Reid, our School Business Manager to learn about where the school’s money comes from and what we spend it on. The children took this information back to their classes to help children to understand we must look after our resources.

British Values and Equality

We focus in school on being good citizens and supporting positive British Values and Equality. We focused on these ideas during a British Values and Equality Week.

Celebrating the children’s successes

It is important that the children feel proud of what they achieve and so we celebrate their successes. Celebration Assemblies are held regularly and the children’s certificates are presented for the whole school to see.

Class Group Goals

All children work on small groups to set group goals which are reviewed regularly. The children receive class dojos when they meet their goals.

Children have individual targets

All children have individual targets which are changed regularly. If the children meet their targets, they receive class dojos as rewards.

Class Mission Statements

All our classes have written class mission statements based on the school mission statement. The children all signed up to their class mission statement.

Stars in Our School

We celebrated all the stars in our school who are not teachers. All our support staff and teaching assistants received certificates to show them how special they are to us.

Good to be Green

In our classrooms it’s ‘Good to be Green’. If we stay green we have the chance to build up minutes for Golden Time on a Friday afternoon.

Children in class let your School Councillor know what’s important

Everyone needs to be able to have their say. Each classroom has a poster with post-it notes where children can write down things they want their class councillor to talk about at the next meeting.

Class Dojos

In school we have class dojos. When we have earned 20 dojos we can choose treasure from our teachers. The counter is re-set and we get the chance to collect another 20 dojos.

Individual Liberty, The Rule of Law, Democracy and Respecting Different Faiths and Beliefs

We have spent a lot of time looking at British Values and trying hard to understand what they mean for us in our everyday lives.

Children take the Takeover Challenge

Children in the school had the opportunity to learn about the adult’s jobs in school by taking over their roles.

Learning about being a school Governor

Mr Jones is one of our school governors. He came in to talk to the children in reception and Y1 and Y2 about his role and the kind of work he does to support the school.


Learning About the Cost of Things

We have been learning about the cost of things in school so the children carried out an activity of matching prices and resources and then they made some posters.


Our Class Mission Statement